Client: FLEX, 2020
Shortlist Club de Creativos

Flex wanted to approach a younger audience without neglecting its position as a traditional and leading brand in Spain. From such a simple idea, this powerful storytelling emerged.

Flex is positioned as the meeting point where two generations can agree.

This is how the campaign worked in Social Media:

We also got some celebrities to talk about their families: Anne, Roberto and Amodeo.
Client: Burger King
Agency: La Despensa, 2022

San Valentin is a day to celebrate love.
But, what about those who have suffered from Ghosting?
Those who believed they found their other half until he or she disappeared?

At Burger King we wanted to give an Olvidona Whopper (Ghosting Whopper) if they tagged us in a conversation where they had suffered of ghosting.
By that time, in Spain we had a viral meme called “Olvidona”, that was directed to Jordi Wild, a big and well loved influencer. So we decided to count with him for this campaign.

And why haven´t you seen anything of this in Linkedin? Well, one day before Valantine´s Day, another agency (I´m not going to reveal the name) had the great idea of sending this app notification to BK customers. So yes, people got quite angry and BK decided on the very last minute to cancel VD campaign, just in case.

Translation: There are Hot Peasants at your area!

Client: Burger King Portugal
Agency: La Despensa, 2022

Burger King Portugal wanted to communicate a new 2x1 promotion in two of its most classic burgers for home orders.We thought about those poor people who suffer the consequences of living with someone else, like that boyfriend who stains their sofa. For once in their life, they could be rewarded with a free burger.

So we made the Sorry Burger, with a song we created ad hoc for the spot.

We created the digital campaign for Blue Seduction perfume, one of Banderas flagship perfumes. 
The client wanted a fresher image about the meaning of seduction, since the communication they were using become outdated already.

Creative Agency: LA DESPENSA
Brand: Banderas Perfumes
Year: 2023

We created a main spot for the digital campaign, and we adapted the communication to different formats, creating other types of content to feed Banderas social media channels.

Client: Doctors of the World
Agency: La Despensa, 2023

Doctors of the World asked us for a Christmas campaign to encourage donations for Ukraine.

We found an interesting insight: in Spain we always ask for "HEALTH" when we make a toast, while in other countries lack of this health.